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It makes no difference whether you’ve been in business 10 years or 10 minutes, you always start the process of promoting yourself or your business in very small ways at first.
I had been given this strategy many years ago and I’ve used with so many of my clients with great results that I now share with every one of my clients!
The idea here is that you want to figure out your message, find your market, and refine your landing pages so that they produce the kind of results that you really want to see. There is no magic here, just sound marketing advice that works time and time again.
If you’re the type who expects to hit into a triple-play with every one of your marketing efforts, I’m here to tell you that while possible, it’s not likely to happen. You’re much better off going for a single every time because in the long run, you’ll produce better, more reliable results.
Now the really cool thing here is that when you follow what I share in this video, you’ll create marketing that you can scale up and get great results with!